10 Best Pieces Of Marriage Advice

Many people ask what I do for work and when they find out that I am a marriage and family therapist they will often ask me, “so what advice do you have for making my marriage better?” Whether you are a newly married couple asking for advice on how to make your marriage successful or a seasoned vet looking to keep your relationship strong; here are 10 pieces of advice to keep your relationship amazing:

Top 6 Myths Of Therapy

There can be a negative stigma that surrounds therapy. For every success story I’m sure you’ve heard a dozen not so pleasant experiences. I recognize that counseling can come with some preconceived notions about what to expect from therapy. I have included 6 misconceptions about therapy I often hear …



Have you ever asked yourself one of these questions:

-    Is our blended family failing?

-    Am I failing as a parent (couldn’t even keep the first marriage together, and now I can’t get this blended family to mesh)?

-    Am I destined to not be able to find fulfillment and joy in marriage and family?

-    Am I going to be the NEXT failed marriage/blended family statistic?

Truth is these are HARD…perhaps even stinging questions.  But they’re real, and TOO real for some of us…..

Enjoy Empty Nesting

Enjoy Empty Nesting

Have you raised all of your kids and now find yourself exhausted, looking at your spouse wondering “do we still like each other? Or do we have anything in common anymore?” Do you ever wonder if your marriage could use a “tune up”? For so many years you put so much effort into your kids and more often than not took the divide and conquer stance with your partner in the hopes of maybe getting a few hours of sleep before you had to wake up and do the daily grind all over again…

HELP! We're Married with Kids!!

HELP! We're Married with Kids!!

Do you feel like your marriage is always on the back burner? Is your marriage always playing second fiddle to the kids, finances, schedules, careers? When you have the spare minute to connect with your spouse do you often feel there is a tension between you? Has the ease of communication long been thrown out the window and your relationship is in pure survival mode? Read on to find tips on how to connect with your spouse in times like this!

Loneliness is as Deadly as Smoking or Obesity

Loneliness is as Deadly as Smoking or Obesity

You read that right! And isn’t it fascinating that researchers and physicians are finding lonely persons more likely to suffer from an early death than that of smokers or obesity. A recent article from researchers at Brigham Young University found that social isolation increases your risk of death by nearly 30% and other studies claim as much as 60% increased risk. Loneliness has a greater negative impact on our health than….